Local Issues

Atlanta To Begin Next Steps In Tree Protection Ordinance Review

December 19, 2023

As you may know, the Atlanta city council passed a resolution for a 50% citywide tree canopy. To date, the City’s canopy sits at 46.5%.

To achieve this goal, the City needs to readdress its current Tree Protection Ordinance. This review is considered Phase 2 of the ordinance update since it will consider the more controversial issues such as the review of the Tree Protection Trust Fund, recompense fees, etc.

The City has hired a facilitator for Phase 2 and is currently developing a stakeholder list. Many of our local real estate-related organizations, such as ACBR and ARA, served on the previous task force and will look to be appointed to the new task force as well.

The facilitator is scheduled to have the ordinance review plan submitted to the City by December 18th with subsequent activities beginning shortly after the new year.

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